You Built Your Business for Freedom.

So Why Does It Still Feel Like a Struggle?

Experience the freedom, flow, joy & ease of your true nature through a profound shift in consciousness.

Exclusive private coaching for a handful of women entrepreneurs who have created a successful business,

but still feel like something is missing.

You’ve done everything right. Your business thrives, yet something feels incomplete:

👉 You miss freedom, joy, flow, and fun.

👉 You long for a business and life that feel lighter, simpler, and more alive.

👉 You crave TRUE freedom—the kind that lets you feel deeply at peace and fully at home in yourself and the world.

Overthinking, overwhelm, self-doubt, or stress wear you down at times.

You wonder: 

Can I have success and true freedom? Or is it always one or the other?

You want to feel free to be unapologetically, uncompromisingly YOU.

And you’re exhausted from always working hard on your business and yourself.

There’s always a next level to reach, a bigger goal to chase, or a better version of yourself to become.

It’s a never-ending journey that brought you a lot: growth, insight and success.

But also exhaustion. 

You’ve achieved so much.

But instead of feeling free, you feel drained.

You long to exhale. To relax deeply in both business and life.

What if life felt like play and your business was your playground?

What if you didn't have to make that happen—because it was already unfolding for you?

Is that even possible?

Yes, it is. 

Photo of Brigitte van Tuijl

I've been where you are

Always working, striving, reaching.

I had big dreams for my business—reaching millions of women worldwide, inspiring and guiding them to create a business and life they adore.

But my deepest desire was something even bigger:

To experience complete and lasting inner freedom.

Over the years, I created what looked like freedom:

⭐️  I only made four appointments a week, maximum.

⭐️  I enjoyed an abundance of alone time.

(I love people—in moderation ;-))

⭐️  I did work I loved and deeply enjoyed.

What more could you want?

Well ...

A photo of Brigitte van Tuijl
A photo of Brigitte van Tuijl
Clouds reflected in the water at sunrise
Clouds reflected in the water at sunrise

I wanted freedom from worry, pressure, and stress.

Despite all the freedom I’d created, that deeper sense of ease still felt out of reach.

No amount of mindset work, energy work, or healing brought me the freedom I longed for.

The freedom I knew had to exist since I read this in a Taoist book at age 15:

“The master, she acts not, yet everything gets done.”

I had no clue what this meant but felt its truth in my bones.

This wasn't just about ease. 

This was about the way life actually worked. 

But no matter what I did, that level of freedom was still missing.

That's when I saw the truth that changed everything.

I stopped living from my mind and started living from awareness—my true nature.

When that happened, freedom stopped being something I had to chase. It was simply there.

And that’s why nothing I had done before worked—because I was still looking for freedom as something to achieve, instead of recognizing it as something that was already here.

Before this shift, my mind never stopped.

There was always another decision to make, another thing to figure out.

Even in my ‘free’ time, I was still thinking about my business.

I felt like I should be more productive.

I second-guessed myself.

I was exhausted.

Sun shining on the sea, freedom and spaciousness

When I made this shift:

🍀 Conditioning dropped away.

🍀 The mental noise that once ran my life faded into the background. 

🍀 Limitations, worry, stress, fears, and doubts gradually released me.

🍀 Inner freedom, flow, and ease revealed themselves and continue to expand.

Decisions became effortless.

Business felt light

The pressure disappeared—not because I worked on it, but because I stopped believing in the thoughts that created it.

I stopped overthinking. Stopped doubting. Stopped trying to manage life.

Everything that once felt urgent stopped weighing on me. I no longer needed to control, push, or strive.

Business and life began to unfold with ease.

Actions became effortless.

Things that once worried or stressed me now roll off my back like water off a duck.

This wasn’t a mindset shift.

It wasn’t about thinking differently.

It was a profound yet simple shift in consciousness, from living from the mind to living from a state of awareness.

Rainbow at the water, its reflection forming a perfect circle
Rainbow at the water, its reflection forming a perfect circle

This shift is possible for you, too!

This isn’t about more effort, strategies, or fixing yourself.

It’s about recognizing that the freedom, ease, and joy you’ve been searching for are already here.

You just haven't been looking in the right place. 

When you experience your true nature, you see that nothing was ever missing

You step into a completely different way of being, seeing, and living.

Limiting beliefs, old wounds, and fears naturally release you.

You no longer have to work on yourself.

Instead, you'll experience the freedom, flow and ease of living from a state of awareness—your true nature. 

"Life is so much brighter now.

I didn't know this level of ease was even possible!"

~ M.

Why this coaching is different:

Most coaching focuses on strategies, mindset shifts, or fixing what’s 'wrong.'

This isn’t that.

This is not about doing more but about stepping into the stillness and wholeness of who you already are.

Here’s what you won’t need to do:

❌  Analyze your past or figure out where your obstacles come from.

❌  Shift or eliminate limiting beliefs.

❌  Work on your energy or mindset.

❌  Work harder (or smarter).

❌  Work on improving or changing yourself.

You only need to rest in the awareness of who you already are.

"This is completely different from anything you have ever learned in your life. 

It’s indescribable how you feel as a result:

the joy, happiness, calmness, and knowing that everything is possible. 

All without stressing, hard work or exerting yourself!"

Marieke Kamerbeek

This is what you'll experience:

Clouds in the sky, seen from above
Clouds in the sky, seen from above

A profoun shift in consciousness

🌟 A shift out of mental limitations and into effortless clarity.

🌟 A natural release of stress, worry, struggle, overwhelm and self-doubt.

🌟 The freedom to BE—and to feel how effortlessly life and business unfold for you.

True freedom

True freedom is not something you achieve;

it's what naturally emerges when you're no longer caught in the mind. 

Clouds, beach, freedom
Clouds, beach, freedom
A far horizon at the beach, freedom
A far horizon at the beach, freedom

Imagine ...

Imagine waking up and feeling clear, at peace, and deeply at home in yourself—without the weight of overthinking, pressure, or doubt.

Imagine running your business from a place of deep ease, no longer caught in the cycle of stress or overthinking.

That's what this coaching is here to help you experience. 

“The coaching has been life changing for me. 

Everything is different, and I’m deeply grateful.

I can’t describe how gifted Brigitte is.

Her intuition is laser-sharp, and she knows exactly what you need to create deep and lasting transformation.

Working with Brigitte is magical and sublime!”

Marieke Kamerbeek

Who this is for

This work is for you if you:

🌟 Are a
successful woman entrepreneur, ready to let go of striving , struggle and stress.

🌟 Crave a business and life that feel 100% true to YOU and fit you like a glove.

🌟 Achieved outer success and now long for complete inner freedom.

🌟 Are open to a simple yet profound shift in consciousness—a transformation that changes everything.

🌟 Are ready to feel, deeply and unshakably, that you have always been enough, exactly as you are.

“I highly recommend Brigitte as she will help anyone break with limiting beliefs and enter a state of freedom, creativity, and flow.”

Victoria Pericot

How we will work together

Over the course of generally 3 months, we’ll work closely together so you can shift into a state of awareness.

(The exact time we’ll work together is based on your personal situation and tailored to your needs.)

This coaching includes:

🌟 Weekly 1-hour coaching sessions via Zoom.

🌟 Unlimited audio- and text messaging for support between sessions.

The coaching is tailored to what YOU need to experience the ultimate freedom that is already here, waiting for you now …

You’ll know the profound freedom and ease that has always been within you—a transformation that lasts a lifetime because it reconnects you with what you already are.

This is an investment in the kind of inner freedom that no amount of external success can buy—an experience that will transform the way you live and work forever.

“I am living a completely different life now. And it keeps growing and evolving.

Brigitte has helped me step into a new reality of magnificent and endless possibility, love and beauty.”

Lyerka Miller

Are you ready for a lifelong transformation?

I only work with a handful of clients at a time to ensure deep, personalized support.

If you feel the pull toward this work, trust that.

You don’t have to ‘be ready.’

You don’t have to know if this is the right fit.

If something in you resonates, let’s explore it—together.

Click the button below to leave your name, email, and a short message.

I’ll personally reach out to set up a relaxed, no-pressure chat so we can see if working together is the best next step for you. (No strings, no cost.)

If you feel drawn to this, take the first step.

I look forward to connecting with you!

What others say about working with me:

A testimonial on instagram for Brigitte van Tuijl
A testimonial on instagram for Brigitte van Tuijl

“It felt scary to invest so much in myself at first, but it was worth it immediately.

I grew so much, without struggle, by becoming more and more true to myself.

Working with Brigitte is uplifting.

I felt like she had my back the entire time we worked together. I could ask her anything and she was always there for me.

If you feel that it’s right for you to work with her I only have one thing to say to you: 

Go for it!”

Simone Brockhuis

Feelyourmind . nl

“The 1-1 coaching is deeply transformational and life changing, and worth every cent of my investment—and more!

It’s truly priceless.”

Petra Jungblut

jungblutcreatie . nl

“I was in the self-development space for some time and visited personal workshops or online webinars with great teachers over the past decade.

But something was missing.

 I was consuming the information, but didn’t apply it to all aspects of my life. 

That’s when the need for real 1:1 work appeared.

Brigitte was my first choice, and I never regretted the investment!”

Vladimíra Neuschlová

Leadership and Businesses Coach, vladimira-neuschlova . com

Brigitte van Tuijl

About Brigitte van Tuijl

I’m a writer and master coach for women entrepreneurs who are done with pushing, striving, and compromising.

I help you create a business and life that unfold effortlessly—without stress, overwhelm, or strategies you don’t need.

With over 23 years of experience, I’ve guided thousands of women to create a business and life they adore.

My clients have published their first books, doubled their income, and launched global businesses—not through hard work, but through ease, flow, and trusting what’s already here.

I’m the author of seven books, including The Art of Divine Selfishness and The Happy Hermit, and a lifelong seeker of true freedom.

I found ultimate freedom by making a simple shift in consciousness— from living in the mind to living from awareness.

Now, I help you do the same.